
Chapter News
NM M/C History
Shop Night Info


Zia Chapter Shop Night - Every Thursday in Socorro



Effective 8/26/2021
Shop Night is Canceled for the time being

Shop Night - Socorro, NM - 5pm to around 9:30
Bring a project, something you need help with, or that needs a special tool, or light machine work done. We'll help you get it done. Or just come hang out with the Zia Chapter shop dogs.

Call Sam for details/directions at 575-418-0240
If someone needs more time, or is driving a long way,
I'll meet 'em earlier in the day." -Sam

Is Socorro too far of a drive for you?
Want to host a Shop Night at your shop in your part of the state?
Let us know and we'll send a chapter email to find out what kind of interest there is around your area.
Email your name, location and what days/times you are open to and we'll put something together. We all know that we are all happier when talking about and messing with motorcycles.
Send email to: webform@zia-amca.org



©2019-2023 AMCA Zia Chapter. All rights reserved.
AMCA logo copyright Antique Motorcycle Club of America. Used with permission.
